The Rahm family (USA) were very 'close & priviliged' followers of Sathya Sai Baba. Until their son, Alaya, most bravely and convincingly stood forth to tell of the awful situation in which he found himself when Sai Baba began abusing him sexually. This young man's candour and honestly contrats greatly with the cover-ups, secrecy and abuse from the Sai Organisation and its leaders and puts all who continue as Sai devotees to shame!
View proofs on video clips from the documentary of the Rahm family's former closeness and central position in the Sathya Sai Organisation, and the large amount of so-called 'divine grace' they received:

1) Three robes from Sai

2) Numerous 'materialisations

3) Alaya Rahm tells of Sai Baba threats and oral sex abuse of him when still a minor

4) Testimony - Sai Baba tried anal sex etc.

5) Al Rahm tells of his learning of the sex abuse of his son

6) Alaya's mother tells of her reaction

7) Indian student sex abuse victims cannot speak out

8) The Rahm's son's fears if he told the truth about Sai sex abuse

9) Alaya Rahm was told not to tell and threatened by Sai Baba

The US State Department were contacted by the BBC and confirmed their Travel Advisory warning as being directed specifically against Sathya Sai Baba.
There is also video testimony that many students were abused in the Danish film 'Seduced'


Some of the bribes: 'materialised' items - fake gold watches, false gemstone/diamond rings and some of the £10,000.- paid to Alaya (who was trapped in the cult from childhood) for his silence under threat of terrible things if he should tell of the over 20 sex abuses.