These are scans of the letters as received by Timothy Conway in photostat form (but signed) as annotated by Timothy Conway PhD. He has sworn an affidavit that these are genuine,
and that the 'cleaned up' copies of them also are the same as the originals in content. His formal statement on this issue is found below (here

Letter 1 Jan. 18 1981 To Directors (SSO)

Letter 2 Feb 21 1981 To Directors (SSO)

The following letter to Mrs. Payne was in reply to a first letter of 9/11/2000, the text of which is found here. There was also a follow up letter 17-11-2000
Letter 3 Feb 21 1981 to Terry Scott and Mrs. Payne

Letter 4a Mar 25 1981To Directors
Letter 4b (second page)

Information on the Public Petition for Official Investigations of Sathya Sai Baba and His Worldwide Organization

See also Devotee attacks on the Sai petition and petitioners

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