Sathya Sai Baba, born as Sathya Narayana Raju, has capitalised on the teachings and life of a forerunner, whose name he also took for himself when he decided he was himself an avatar with a mission and a reincarnation of Shirdi Sai Baba. In many respects there is little difference between their messages, as the following most interesting and sensible posting by Atanu Dey in his Web Journal shows very clearly to anyone who also knows about Sathya Raju. Nor is their relationship to money very different, with the exception that Sathya Raju is smarter at obtaining funds by his huge pretence of not needing or wanting any, and getting far more that way and through giving virtually worthless 'holy trinkets' or other 'divine blessings' so people will then donate large sums. Yet Sathya's financial empire outranks Shirdi Baba's by all measures and exceeds the monetary and political power of all other babas by far. Atanu Dey clearly has the antidote to both of them! |