The following mail was originally sent Sathya Sai Baba Discussion Club, message 1082 and 1285 Date 18 november 2000 - 13.44 It wsas also posted at (no longer on-line) now found at

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to you regarding your article in India today last week relating to the abuse allegations I am now an ex devotee of Sai Baba and have been a devotee since 1985 and have undertaken two pilgrimages to Putthaparthi in1990 & 92 I went to the ashram with a group from London led by Aimee Levy in November 1990 during which time I was about to turn 29 and was taken with the group for an interview a few days after arriving during the interview he materialised vibhuti and took a ring off one lady told her she had a good heart and blew on it and it was supposedly transformed into a white gold and emerald ring another chap received a watch. During the interview he gave a short discourse on the nature of god and shortly thereafter looked at me and said

Swami: Are you well?

David: Yes Swami!!

Swami: What do you do? -Work?

David: Aromatherapy Swami

Swami What??

Aimee Levy: massage Swami

Swami: yes yes very strong!

Swami: you have wife??

David: No swami!

Swami: Girlfriend?

David; No swami

Swami: I see!! Before!!

Swami: Do you love swami??

David Yes swami!!!

Swami: how much??

David: very much swami!

At this point he talked with others for a few moments and the said to me come and extended his hand for me to help him up and around the devotees sat around the interview room and the took me into the inner sanctum as I walked into the room I was holding in my right hand a cassette tape called "road to prashanthi" which had been recorded by a friend of mine who was wishing for it to be blessed, Swami then closed the door and was stand ing and front of me when he then touched my penis through the suit i was wearing and said "What’s this" a little embarrassed I said "tape swami" and thrust the tape i was holding up towards him he said "yes Yes but what’s this and touched me again" "undo" he said motioning to white pyjama type suit I was wearing which I did but was somewhat confused at this point he then pulled my underwear down below my scrotum and said "sometimes you dissipate too much energy this way" he let the underwear ping up and then waved his hand in the fashion he does and apparently materialized some oil and rubbed it on the pubic region above the penis and around the stomach and told me to " do up" after which he said to me " sometimes you get depressed with your work I will bless your work!! And with a cock of his head smiled and said all your work"! He then took me to the outer room back to the group where he talked a while longer and i sat wondering what had happened. After a short time he disappeared behind his curtain and came back with a basket full of small packets of vibhuti which he gave to all devotee's he came to me and said" you would like swami to make a ring for you! I will but not now some other time! After which the interview was concluded. During my second trip the interview was almost the same except i was not drawn into the back room this time and the talk he had with me on that occasion was almost a carbon copy of the first time but as I stood up to leave at the conclusion of the second interview he whacked me in the testicles with the back of his hand and it was a deliberate move.

At this point I would like to say that although I was somewhat confused by the events i tried to rationalise it by thinking he was balancing one of the energy centres when another Indian devotee who was questioning me about my interview said " No No Swami is doing this because all the time you are wanking" I must say I felt a complete idiot and some what humiliated by that but nevertheless was still in awe of sai baba but was already feeling something was a miss and this feeling became stronger during 1992 which I feel is better discussed elsewhere. However I feel that murmurings that those of us who have the courage to speak out are being labelled anti Indian or anti Hindu is complete nonsense I and many other ex devotee's and victims still have great respect for India and her people and the fact that we feel cheated by this man who is quite clearly now shown as a charlatan has nothing whatsoever to-do with being anti Hindu we still have great respect for all faiths it is Just Sai Baba and his organisation that are in doubt and should be taken to task one of the main reasons I am writing this is to confirm that these "Oilings" do indeed take place which has been denied by a spokesperson for the U.K Sai organisation in a recent interview on a BBC Radio4 programme called This Is Sunday which was broadcast on Nov 19th my view is if they are lying about this what else are they lying about. I do not personally know any other "moles tees" and can not comment on their experiences I can only give a true account of what I myself have experienced But certainly it seems to me that both the organisation in India and abroad as well as Sai Baba himself requires thorough investigation especially relating to incidents such as the bedroom murders.

I hope this clarifies the situation somewhat for you

Yours sincerely

David Paul

See also further testimony from David Paul also as sent to the BBC.