These e-mail headers of my exchanges with Erlendur Haraldsson included here - totalling over 150 - cover the period after August 2001, and some before 2001 when I changed from Eudora to other mail servers. Some few mails are missing from the following list as they seem to have been erased by some oversight or lost though total failure of an earlier computer.

Professor Haraldsson has chosen entirely to avoid mentioning and totally to conceal our quite intensive mutual interest and some of his many opinions stated in them through these last 13 years in his latest 2013 version of 'Miracles Are My Visiting Cards'. I attest that the following list is correct to the best of my knowledge.

Erlendur Haraldsson_mail_exchanges

Prof. Haraldsson

Dr. Haraldsson_mails

EH_mails to Priddy
Mails from/to Erlendur H.
Priddy mails to/from EH
Mailings EH-RP
Erliest e-mails-Haraldsson