Sathya Sai Baba at his meals

Sai Baba at meals

Sai Baba Lunch

A close devotee of Sathya Sai Baba has written the following:-


A day in the life of Baba 
By Lalita Iyer
Some say Baba never sleeps, or only for short periods. He has 'raagi kanji' (porridge) and gets ready for the 7 a.m. darshan. This is when he picks the people for a personal darshan. He also has briefings between 7 a.m. and 8.30 a.m. 

Lunch is between 10 and 10.30 a.m. The meal is prepared by the wife of the late Janakiramaiah, Baba’s youngest brother. Baba is the fourth of three brothers and two sisters and the only surviving one. "When food arrives, it is handed over to the attendants and they serve it to Baba," says Ratnakar, Janakiramaiah’s son, who has the privilege of being the closest nephew of Baba. 

Issues are discussed with Baba over lunch. He then retires to his room to read and rest.

At 1 p.m. he has fruit and confers with a different set of functionaries. Before long, it is time for his 3.30 p.m. darshan. Even as the car drives down the ramps, Baba listens to the chants of the Vedas. 

Baba gives personal interviews during the evening session too and then stays back for the bhajans at 5.30 p.m. An hour later he has a light dinner of one puri or some rice and curry, and fruit. 

At 7 p.m. he retires to his room to read letters. Baba does not reply to any of them, but he says: "When you send a letter to me, it is only a photocopy. The original is already with me in my heart, when you thought of me and asked me something."

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