" a discourse, Baba said: "It is beyond you to know how or why I create things. The objects that I create, I create them by my will, the same way I created the universe." Quoted in 'The Week' 27th November, 2006. (NOTE: 'Beyond you' here referreds to Mr. H. Narasimhaiah, the former Vice Chancellor of the Bangalore University, who has requested an interview so as to check the facts about how Sai Baba created things.)
The following scan is by his 'official biographer' and close devotee, N. Kasturi, who summed up the extent of SB's claims of Godhead:-
He also told his chief propagandist in the USA, Dr. John Hislop, that he "holds the universe in His Hand" as follows:-
"This is a Human Form is one in which every Divine Entity, every Divine Principle, that is to say, all the names and forms ascribed by man to God, are manifest." (in Telugu the statement was "Sarvadaivathwaswaroopalanu Dharinchina Manavaakarame Ee Aakaramu" and "Fortunate are you, that now, in this very life, you have the chance to experience the Bliss of th Vision of the Sarvadaivathwa Swaroopam, the Form of all Gods in all Forms" ( Sathya Sai Speaks, Volume 8 newer edition, p. 99 see scan of text here- also in the US
ed. of Kasturi's Sathyam Sivam Sundaram Vol 3, page 12
Also reported as: "This is a human form in which every Divine
entity, every Divine principle, that is to say, all the names and forms
ascribed by man to God, are manifest... You are very fortunate that
you have the chance to experiences the bliss of the vision of the form,
which is the form of all gods, now, in this life itself." (1968 Sathya Sai Speaks Volume VIII.
page 99f)
"Know that this Sai form is the form of all the various Names that man has used, and uses now, to identify and adore the One Divine. So I teach that no distinction should be made between the Names - Rama, Krishna, Iswara, Sai - for, they are, all of them, My Name." (US
ed. of Kasturi's Sathyam Sivam Sundaram Vol 3, page 10)
am all deities in one. You may endeavour your best for thousands of
years and have all mankind with you in your search. But you cannot understand
My Reality." (US
ed. of Kasturi's Sathyam Sivam Sundaram Vol 3, page 315)
"No one can understand my Mystery. The best you can do is to get immersed in it. It is no use your arguing about pros and cons; dive and know the depth; eat and know the taste." (quote inSai Baba: Man of Miracles (1977) by Howard Murphet, p. 208)
"There is one point that I cannot but bring to your special notice today. At the moment when Jesus was emerging in the Supreme Principle of Divinity, He communicated some news to his followers, which has been interpreted in a variety of ways by commentators and those who relish the piling of writings on writings and meanings upon meanings, until it all swells up into a huge mess. The statement itself has been manipulated and tangled into a conundrum. The statement of Christ is simple. 'He who sent me among you will come again!', and he pointed to a Lamb. The Lamb is merely a symbol, a sign. It stands for the Voice - Ba-Ba; the announcement was the Advent of Baba. 'His name will be Truth,' Christ declared. Sathya means Truth. 'He will wear a robe of red, a blood-red robe.' (Here Baba pointed to the Robe he was wearing!). He will be short, with a crown (of hair). The Lamb is the sign and symbol of Love. Christ did not declare that he will come again, he said, 'He who made me will come again.' That Baba is this Baba, and Sai, the short, curly-hair-crowned red-robed Baba, is come. He is not only this Form, but, he is every one of you, as the Dweller in the Heart.
“You must have heard people say that mine is all magic. But the manifestation of divine power must not be interpreted in terms of magic. Magicians play their tricks for earning their maintenance, worldly fame, and wealth. They are based on falsehood and they thrive on deceit, but this body could never stoop to such a low level. This body has come through the Lord's resolve to come. That resolve is intended to uphold truth (sathya). Divine resolve is always true resolve. Remember there is nothing that divine power cannot accomplish. It can transmute earth into sky and sky into earth. To doubt this is to prove that you are too weak to grasp great things, the grandeur of the universe.” Forty-Third Birthday Discourse, 23 November 1968.
(Sathya Sai Speaks, Volume XI, p. 346 see scan on right. This also appears in 'Sai Baba - Holy Man and the Psychiatrist', by Samuel Sandweiss >.)
(Note: Sai authorities eliminated the above content from their on-line presentation of this discourse, probably due to the ridicule it received See '
"The Lord has come down so that those who have won the right to be liberated may be saved, incidentally, others too will know of the Lord..."Sathya Sai Speaks Vol. III, page 30)
previous occasions when God incarnated on earth, the bliss of recognising
Him in the incarnation was vouchsafed only after the physical embodiment
had left the world, in spite of plenty of evidences of His Grace. But,
ponder a moment on this Sathya Sai Manifestation; in this age of rampant
materialism, aggressive disbelief and irreverence, what is it that brings
to It the adoration of millions from all over the world? You will be
convinced that the basic reason for this is the fact that this is the
Supra-worldly Divinity in Human Form." (Sathya Sai Baba 17/5/1968. See Sathya Sai Speaks Vol. 8, p.100)
"... (the) Atma principle assumes a form from time to time for the sake of redeeming the world and establishing righteousness" (Sanathana Sarathi Sept. 1989. p. 229f and Sathya Sai Speaks Vol. 22, p. 182).
me tell you one more thing: Nothing can impede or halt the work of this
Avathaara... Formerly when the Govardhanagiri (mountain) was raised
aloft by a little boy, the gopis and gopalas realised that Krishna was
the Lord. Now, it is not one Govardhanagiri, a whole range will be lifted,
you will see!" (Sathya Sai Speaks Vol.3 new ed. p. 92)
"Be assured that the Lord has come to save world from calamity." (Sathya Sai Speaks Vol. 2, p. 17 - March 1961)
In conversation with Dr. John Hislop (7/11/1980), Sathya Sai Baba said:-"Were it not for the mind change of Sai devotees the world would already have fallen into complete chaos. The deterioration of mind and man has been very rapid and abrupt, even precipitous during the last fifteen years. That the world is not in total destruction is due to the change of mind of Sai devotees and to Sai's grace. You are not aware of it, just as you are not aware of your eyes until they are lost. In the same way, the world is not aware of Sai's grace." (Conversations with... Sathya Sai Baba by Dr. J. Hislop, p. 190 old ed., page 173 new. ed)
his speech at the Patel Stadium in Bombay, Sathya Sai Baba said, "
I know all that happens to all because I am everyone. This current is
in every bulb I illumine every consciousness. I am the inner motivator
in each one of you."
Sivam, Sundaram by N. Kasturi. Part 3. Page 305 US ed. in last chapter
but one)
Sathya Sai told Arnold Schulman: "I know your
past, I know your future. So I know why you suffer and how you can escape
suffering and when you finally will. I know everything that has happened
to everybody in the past, everything that is happening now and everything
that will happen in the future. I know why the person has to suffer
in this life and what will happen to him the next time he is born because
of that suffering this time."
(Sathyam, Sivam, Sundaram - Part 3. by N. Kasturi. Page 305 US ed. in last chapter but one.)
will have to forego the car and even the aeroplane when I move from
place to place, for the crowds pressing around them will be too huge;
I will have to move across the sky; yes, that too will happen, believe
Me." (see scan at Sathya
Sai Speaks Vol. II, p. 92) "You will realize Swami's glory when I walk across the sky from one end to the other." (Tapovanam Chapter 11)
since three days My legs were finding it very difficult to walk. But
it was no difficulty for Me at all. It is just its Nature. It is natural.
This is because the whole body is a magnet. If I hold the tumbler, the
tumbler also sticks like that. So, all of these things cannot be told
to everyone!" (Mahashivarathri
Discourse, 2002) "Even
the rivers flow, clinging to the earth, due to the magnetism of the
earth. Even the wind blows due to magnetic power. Magnetism is pervading
everywhere. All the flowers and fruits that they offer are full of
magnetism. So, this magnetic power, which is all-pervading, is shining
in that temple. When so many thousands of devotees enter, this magnetism
increases day-by-day. It will not decrease. When a small iron piece
is kept near a magnet, after a few days even that iron piece will
become a magnet. So the individuals who enter into the temple and
the things that they offer are all full of magnetism. Therefore, from
where did the great powers of the temple arise? It comes from the
magnetic power brought from the devotees. Hence, every individual
fully has this magnetism. It is this Divine power that arises in temples,
attracts all individuals and also reveals all powers. This magnetism
contains Divine power. It is said that magnetism is a temple's nature.
In science, they feel that it is pieces of magnet. They call it materialist
magnet. This magnetism (Divine power) is shining in every single human
being." (Shivarathri
discourse, March 16, 2002) Discourse
16 March 2003. Excerpt:- "I address you as
Bangaru (gold) because you are the embodiments of Hiranyagarbha.
ere are a number of metals in your body, without which the body
cannot exist. You may seek clarification from a doctor or a scientist
in this regard. The magnetic power that is present in the entire
world is present in your body itself. Some people do not understand
the power of divine magnet. They argue, "If there is attraction
power in the 'magnet', why is it not able to attract us?" How can
a magnet attract an iron piece, which is full of rust and dust?
When the rust and dust are removed, the magnet will attract the
iron piece at once. You are going to witness the divine glory of
Swami unfolding in the days to come. He will attract the whole world.
There won't be place for people to stand even. You can see it for
yourself, what a great change has occurred during the last one month!
All are getting attracted to Swami. Love is very powerful. This
is not a disease. This does not cause any suffering or unrest in
Me. It cannot be cured with medicines. In
reply to Dr. John Hislop, Sathya Sai Baba said:- "It is as you say.
Swami holds the universe in His Hand. But devotees learn of the
glory and majesty, through Swami's attention to each one, personally.
That Swami holds the universe yet at the same time fully cares for
the lives of His devotees even to the smallest details is a measure
of His glory that the devotee can understand." (Conversations with... Sathya Sai Baba by Dr. J. Hislop,
page 173 *old ed. & page 144 new ed.) "I have a "Task": To foster all mankind and ensure for all of them lives full of ananda (bliss). I have a "Vow": To lead all who stray away from the straight path again into goodness and save them. I am attached to a "work" that I love: To remove the sufferings of the poor and grant them what they lack. I have a "reason to be proud", for I rescue all who worship and adore me, aright. I have my definition of the "devotion" I expect: Those devoted to me have to treat joy and grief, gain and loss, with equal fortitude. This means that I will never give up those who attach themselves to me." (Letter to his older brother Seshama Raju (1947) Sathyam Sivam Sundaram Vol. 1, Prof. N. Kasturi. Sai Publications Trust, Prashanthi Nilayam) "The same Divine Compassion that blessed Dharma; saved Gajendra; restored Kuchela; and stood by Prahlada, has come to the Earth as the Refuge of the refugeless; as the Lord of Peace, Harmony and Righteousness; as the Lord of all the Worlds; as the Sath-Chith-Anandamurthi; and as the Puttaparthi Sathya Sai Sath-Chakravarthi - the King of Kings. "(Quoted as Thought For The Day, K57, published by Sri Sathya Sai Books & Publications Trust, Sathya Sai Baba Discourse, 21 October 1993), Sathya Sai Speaks Vol 26.) "Were it not for the mind change of Sai devotees the world would already have fallen into complete chaos. The deterioration of mind and man has been very rapid and abrupt, even precipitous during the last fifteen years. That the world is not in total destruction is due to the change of mind of Sai devotees and to Sai's Grace" - Conversations with Sathya Sai Baba by Dr. J. Hislop, p. 190 "The whole world will be transformed into Sathya Sai Organisation and Sathya Sai will be installed in the hearts of one and all." (Sanathana Sarathi, January 1999 - page 16)
have not come to set afoot a new cult, I do not want people to be misled
on this point. I affirm that the Sai form is the form of all the various
names that man uses for the adoration of the Divine. So, I am teaching
that no distinction should be made between the names Rama, Krishna,
Ishwara, Sai - for they are all My names."
(Discourse at 1st World Conference
of Sathya Sai Seva Organisations in Bombay in May 1968. - Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol8 VIII, pps 95-96 new ed.) "It
is difficult to get a true idea of Me, whom you see, although you are
adepts at imagining Rama and Krishna..." (Sathya Sai Speaks Vol. II, page 103) "That
is the Sai religion, the religion that feeds and fosters all religions
and emphasises their common Greatness. Take up this religion, boldly
and joyfully." (Sathya
Sai Speaks, XIII, page 148) "It is also laid down strictly that those who are in our Organisation
should not have any connection with other Organisations of spiritual
or religious character." (Sathya
Sai Speaks Vol. X, 33,
p. 208) "The
whole world will be transformed into Sathya Sai Organisation and Sathya
Sai will be installed in the hearts of one and all." (Sanathana
Sarathi January, 1999. page 16) SAI'S
Hislop asked: "Swami
once mentioned that if we could see Rama today we would be much surprised
at His appearance." Sai replied "In the age prior to that of Rama,
people were accustomed to measure the distance from the fingertips
to the elbow. At that time, the norm for the height of a person was
14 times the measurement... In the Threta Yuga, the age of Rama, the
norm for height had reduced to seven times the distance of fingertip
to elbow. For the Kali Yuga, the multiple is three and one half."(Conversations
with Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba by J. Hislop, page 129f) Dr.
Hislop also asked: "In those days they had aeroplanes, did they not?" Sai
answered: "The first was 'Pushpak'. The one Ravana used to
kidnap Sita. " According
to David Jevons of the Ramala Centre, Glastonbury, Sai Baba "has
recently said that we will very soon witness this divine power manifesting
in the world. I quote from a recent discourse: "What
Sai resolves must take place. You have to understand this." (23
november 1985) "What
I will, must take place; what I plan must succeed." (1991) Sai
Baba has told that the next age is about to come and has told that
a race of 20-foot giants that roamed the earth will appear when the
Age returns. ... and so on and so forth... Sai
Baba told people around him (according to the long-term US ashram
resident Mr. Alvin Drucker in 1987 in a talk before a thousand or
so foreign visitors) that all who visited him on his 60th Birthday
were once also with him when he was Krishna or when he was Rama. These
secrets came only from His close servitors on the Sai Central Trust,
including Mr.Prasad, who tell that Swami said this was also so on
the 70th Birthday. It has
also been widely circulated on Sai websites and in books that the
former Pope had a vision on his deathbed of an orange-clad man with
lots of hair it was also reported that Sai Baba will one day wander
the streets of Rome arm in arm with some Pope! Some hope! See an article
about this by clicking
advertisment." Sanathana Sarathi April 1999, p. 89 "Swami prefers that additional people
come only though observing the virtuous lives of the Center members,
and by word of mouth. Notices and such might start small, but in time
they will get out-of-hand. Even such small things as notices will
be taken as advertising of Swami. Other Swamis have to advertise and
even provide transport, but Sai does no advertising..." "Do not publish these acts of sympathy;
do them spontaneously without fanfare. That is more precious than
demonstrating your service with the help of headlines and photographs.These
reduce the worth of deeds of compassion." Sathya Sai Speaks,
Vol VII, p. 236f As long ago as 1979, SB declared:
"The success of the task for which I have come will very soon reverberate
throughout the world!" "I do not like collection of funds.
But, since some expense has to be incurred, I have to allow it under
very stringent conditions..." "I do not need grand decorations,
huge pandals, arches, flags and such paraphernalia. I require only
a mike to communicate My advice to people. Even a chair is superfluous!
I can talk standing. Spend sparing to the minimum needs; do not involve
yourselves in expensive luxury. I would like you to spend any extra
money that you have for the feeding of the poor or for any similar
beneficial object." SSB spoke of: "... the purpose for
which I have allowed you to form these Organisations. It is not to
give some people places of authority and power, or for ensuring fame
and publicity for Me." Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol VIII, p. 230. "It is deplorable to hear that in
some States, even for trivial activities, funds are being collected." Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol XIV, p 362 These quotations
sufficiently demonstrate the hypocrisy and total divorce between Sathya Sai Baba's
words and his actions along with his organisation's deeds. Members
and followers are recruited on the basis of such quotations and much
disinformation and false propaganda.
Quotation from Sai Baba in the book ‘ANYATHA SARANAM NASTHI’ ["Other than you refuge there is none"] by one of his most devoted lifelong admirers, Smt. Vijaya Kumari (known as ‘Vijayamma)’
I want to tell you something very significant. This body of Mine is
filled with attraction power from top to toe. It is the divine magnetic
power. From Sivarathri onwards it has been increasing day by day though
it was present in Me always. Worldly magnets attract only iron filings
whereas this divine magnet attracts the entire world. You are under
the mistaken notion that Swami is having pain in His legs and therefore
He is unable to walk comfortably. I have absolutely no pain whatsoever.
If I put one foot forward it is being pulled by the other as there is
immense attraction power in My feet. As you are aware, even the earth
is endowed with attraction power. It only attracts and does not cause
any pain. Swami has no pain at all. This attraction power in Me is increasing
day by day. Whatever I touch with My hand, gets stuck to it. Such magnetic
power is present in every man." (Sai
Baba discourse, March 16, Sai Ramesh Hall, Brindavan)
Even they are unable to understand the truth. In a matter of a few
days you will come to know. The divine glory will increase day-by-day
conferring on you joy and bliss. All the unrest will soon be eradicated
from the face of earth. Today we find acts of violence everywhere.
But whatever is happening, in a way, is for your own good."
"I am now and then announcing My Nature by means of miracles - that is, acts beyond human capacity and human understanding." (Sathya Sai Speaks Volume II p. 140-1) (See more in scan of original)
“In the days ahead, the whole world will be obliged to come to Prashanthi Nilayam” (p. 320 Sanathana Sarathi December 1991)
“Very soon, the entire world will be united. In fact, after 28 years, the world itself will become “Bharat”. Everyone will call themself a Bharatiya (one imbued with godliness — Bhagavat rathas). No one will refer to themself as belonging to this state or that state, this region or that region." (from Sathya Sai Baba’s Convocation Discourse 22-11-2008 at
This statement confirms what was reported earlier by Barry Pittard VHP’s Singhal Reports what Sathya Sai Baba Told Him: "The VHP leader, while disclosing his discussion with Satya Sai Baba, said that Sai Baba had informed him that between 2020 and 2030 the whole India would be of Hindus and after 2030 the whole world would be of Hindus”.
Hislop asked: "Did they use atomic energy
for power?" Sai answered: "No. By the
power of mantra the plane would fly. Mantras were used to shoot arrows.
The arrows were worshipped to make them effective. When Arjuna heard
of Krishna's death, he forgot all mantras and was powerless." (Conversations
with Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba by J. Hislop, page 130f)
day of awakening is here and the day of reckoning, or weeding out,
is not far away. The cleansing of the world will take place and only
those awakened souls will be left to experience life in the divine
state. Others will fall by the wayside, left behind and lost in a
world of illusion and darkness. The
day of awakening is not far away and when it comes there will be a
true revelation of the true power of God, a manifestation of the omnipresence
of the Lord. This will be the signal for a great move forward and
the weeding out of those who are [not] ready to accept the challenge
of the moment... Everyone should prepare now for this change, for
I promise you that it will come, and only those who are ready will
have given the warning. I have given My message a thousand times and
no one who hears My words can proclaim ignorance. Don't delay action
to put right your own lifestyle and to change it to the way of God.
There is no other way." (quoted in SSB and the Future of Mankind
by S.P. Ruhela, 1991, p. 223 - taken from Lucas Ralli 'Sai Messages
for You and I' Volume 1 & 2. Vrindavanum Press, London 1985.)
"Many events are going to take place very soon. Many mega projects
are going to come up. The time is not far off when people will see
me at different places at the same time. I may be travelling in a
car, but at the same time I shall be giving darshan at Sai Kulwant
hall and at the same time I shall be speaking at the Hillview Stadium."
This is Swami talking this year, which, he says, marks the start of
the Golden Age. The Golden Age has now begun and, to use the plane
analogy of which Sai Baba is so fond, the plane of liberation is taking
off on his 75th birthday, which takes place on November 23rd 2000.
So this is a significant year for all devotees, because if we want
to be on this cosmic plane, then we have to have a boarding pass!
It is apparent that a selection process will take place in order to
decide who is going on that plane, and that selection process is not
carried out by an outside force. It will be done by our own selves,
by how we behave in thought, word and deed."
"I do not need any publicity, nor does any other manifestation of
the Lord. What are you daring to publicise? Me?"
Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol IV, p. 210.
Conversations with BSSB by Dr. J. Hislop, p. 168
Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol XIV, p. 278.
Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol VII,p. 100
Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol VII, p. 100
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